Elizabeth Fogarty
Visit Grand Junction
the full report
Hey, good morning, Elizabeth. How are you today?
Elizabeth Fogarty (00:02):
I’m great, Greg. Thank you. Nice to meet you.
Greg Olson (00:05):
Yeah, thank you. And thanks for being on GROWL Connex. It’s about community conversations, connections and something we’ve been doing for a while. My name’s Greg Olson, I’m the founder of GROWL agency, but more importantly, we have Elizabeth Fogarty here to talk. Why don’t you give yourself a quick introduction, Elizabeth and we’ll get started for our listeners.
Elizabeth Fogarty (00:25):
Thanks Greg. Hello, Facebook friends and webinar invite Elizabeth Fogarty director at Visit Grand Junction. I’ve been in this community two and a half years. Having spent 25 years on the front range. So it’s nice to be on this side of the divide. I feel very fortunate.
Greg Olson (00:43):
Yes, I do too. We came about a little over three years ago. We moved GROWL here from the front range too. So we were both are having similar experiences of growth and friendliness. And especially during these times, I think we feel pretty fortunate to be here.
Elizabeth Fogarty (01:01):
I agree. There’s a lot happening on this side and one of the reasons why I decided to make the move.
Greg Olson (01:07):
Good, well, we’re glad you’re here. You’re doing great things for the Western slope. Well, why don’t we start a little bit what’s happening at Visit Grand Junction? I mean, you know, I mean I don’t know if you want to give us any kind of update cool things happening. I know of some things, but I’ll rather have you talk about them cause you’re you and your team are been doing a great job. It’s a lot of behind the scenes work that, of course, if you’re a, if we live on this side, we don’t see much of it. I do see some of the really amazing little, all the material you send out. You had out maybe two or three months ago. I can’t remember may be more than that, but beautiful booklet on the Valley. I use it for myself as a tourist in my own town and also to share out to others. But yeah. So tell us a little what’s going on.
Elizabeth Fogarty (01:52):
Yeah, you’re talking about our new visitor guide second edition back. Yeah, this is, we did a redesign two years ago and then this was a refresh that we launched just a month ago. And we are seeing that residents are using it just as much as the people visiting as well. And that was the intent. So a lot of businesses use it for courting prospective employees, realtors are using it obviously to get people interested in the area. And we include a lot of local content, local photography and stories from locals. We’ve added some new content in this edition as well about what it’s like to live here due to the fact that this really is been used as a piece to attract business and new consumers. Aside from the visitor guide, we’ve been riffing off of our Roam from Home campaign. That was a campaign that we launched in the height of the quarantine. So our messaging was very responsible. We said, don’t visit right now, but, but we knew this was an opportunity for the country to learn about grand junction. So, we were very aggressive with putting out inspirational content that again, we began and ended with don’t visit now, but take a look at Grand Junction. And it was really a moment of Zen for people, a way to escape. And we knew once restrictions started lifting, we could retarget these people and really utilize this as part of their recovery in Grand Junction when tourism was appropriate to then make a direct invite. So that campaign has worked really well. And we think that’s why we’re pacing 18% ahead of the country and occupancy. We’re very careful about that occupancy. We make sure we’re only marketing to areas that are responsible. For example, we don’t market to cities or counties that have a spike in COVID rates, which is extra work for the team, but yeah, the health and safety of our community is extremely important to us.
Greg Olson (04:13):
Yeah. That’s amazing using data. And we’ll talk about that. As we kind of keep moving forward, cause I have we’ve had a few conversations and you know, what you brought to this position into all the, is the fact that you look at data really well. So, you know, I don’t really, we’ve been having like code words for the word COVID sometimes they use the word pickle because everybody’s tired of the word COVID, there’s like trigger words now. So, and unfortunately, you know, we have many, many months ahead of us to deal and manage and lead by example through this. So I think what I’m seeing and hearing what says in Grand Junction is you are being a leader in this and how you lead by example concerning the community and you are in and it’s helping cause we’re, we’re actually up in occupancy. And we’re trying to do the right thing. So now that we have a few months under our belts I guess what you’ve just talked about, you’re seeing you know, maybe you talk a little bit of what you’re seeing across the country and what some of your counterparts are seeing and things like that because now that we’re getting into winter, I think we have to kind of readjust and rethink, and I know we have ski areas and we have different tourism things and issues. I have a, I have a powder horn pass and I’m getting, I don’t know if no one knows where Powderhorn is, it’s in Colorado Grand Mesa lovely ski area. But now they’re actually communicating to me as a passholder the different changes that they’re going to be doing to make it safe and enjoyable. So I don’t know. I just want to see some few, any points that you’re seeing from you and your counterparts.
Elizabeth Fogarty (05:46):
Yeah. Some of the data is shifting in a somewhat surprising way. There’s research just from last week. So this is taking into the recent spikes across the country with COVID destination analysts did a survey and last week the results stated that the national economy is actually the number one concern of us citizens. And second to that, our friends and family getting COVID and third is ourselves getting COVID. So I think that’s a really interesting dichotomy. And sometimes we focus almost too much on COVID thinking that’s the number one problem in our country. And then we overthink it and almost complicate our marketing efforts. So we certainly have to acknowledge COVID and, and present to both residents and visitors, what protocols we have in our community. But it’s good to know it’s not number one. And especially with the election coming people are going to be looking for an escape. So the, as of last week there has been an increase in people scheduling vacations for the next six months out. So within six months there’s a spike, not dramatic, but people know they’re going to want to get away with, from all this stress. And we see even as COVID cases were going down prior to the recent spike people needed to get away travel’s a very flexible industry and it bounces back really easily because travel is really innate to us as humans. We’ve traveled ever since we walked the earth so that doesn’t go away. So just understanding what consumers want, whether it’s in travel or you’re a retail store or a restaurant or an activity there’s ways to use, utilize your own data, but then there’s other data loads of it online that’s for aid. And sometimes it can be overwhelming, but if you just take one step at a time, it’ll really help with your marketing strategies.
Greg Olson (08:04):
Yeah, I agree. I think those are really good points. I think you know, people plan travels, I plan travel. Last April there some trips we didn’t take and trips we did take, I think a lot of us are experiencing outdoor travel, right. Or spending time in the outdoors. Right. There’s a lot, I saw some stats on RV sales were up or camping was up and bike sales are off the chart of people wanting to spend time doing these things that maybe they just, they never had time to do or didn’t take into account. And and I think I read articles on Airbnb and BRBO and a pivot, and they thought in the beginning of this, it was doom and gloom. And then actually it really took off because of people wanting a safer place to stay that maybe hotels or something or whatever the thinking was. And I really think it was, and we move in kind of another question here. It’s really about like maybe what advice you have for these communities. And maybe they’re coming up trying to pull tourism plans together, you know and what they should be looking for. And some of it to me is messaging about protocols and safety and things like that. So, I mean, what do we share with these communities and other cities and counties across Colorado in the United States? You know, what could, should they be looking at or thinking about?
Elizabeth Fogarty (09:17):
Sure, certainly leading with the COVID protocols with which are within the community is what consumers would like. They don’t spend an inordinate amount of time reading it. So it just needs to be short and concise. Everyone’s been well-educated about COVID since March. So the top three things consumers want, and this research was confirmed last week as well is a mask wearing social distancing within the venue and then limiting of occupancy. So this again is regardless of retail restaurant hotel, those are the top three things. So if you just lead with that, make it quick, they then want to know more about you and what value you’re offering. From a road trip standpoint, the radius keeps increasing, which is fantastic. So spring, early summer, the radius was about 150 miles for road trips. We’re now at averaging 500 miles. So that’s about seven, eight hours we’re in Grand Junction so that’s to Vegas. It doesn’t seem that far and people are utilizing these road trips more and more to visit multiple destinations. Is it areas that they’ve never been before? I think a lot of our bucket lists destinations places we’ve never been, but they were super aspirational. We’ve come we’ve pulled back a little bit and we’re staying close to home. Not just because of maybe certain state restrictions that are in place, but we just feel more comfortable knowing our surroundings. So from a marketing strategy standpoint, think about retargeting, your consumers that have been to your business already. They’re likely to come back. If you offer them a new experience, they haven’t utilized before or just reinforce what things they do. Like, but we’re looking for things that are comfortable and familiar, but we also want a new experience as well.
Greg Olson (11:22):
Yeah, I’m noticing it. I know you are living in the Western slope. We have friends throughout the community, whether it’s, you know, Grand Junction or Palisade or I live in Fruita, you know, so I think you’re right. We’re seeing tourism from all over. I mean, Utah, Nevada, California, you know, front range and beyond I look at license plates all the time, probably like you do when I drive in I’m like, I’m kind of seeing from all over the place. Right. So I think it is true. They’re like visiting fruit versus Bally right now. Right. Because it’s on their bucket list and things they want to do and experience. And so all these new camping trailers and mountain bikes, they have to go somewhere with them. So I think that’s, I think that’s great. So obviously they’re getting great information online. They’re finding Western slope because I know you guys do such a great job with messaging and kind of supporting what is available and where to go and how to enjoy it. So I do like those three tips, I think I know most state organizations, health organizations, County have you know, free messaging that these communities can use. They can download posters that businesses can use and don’t have to kind of continually try to figure out how to redesign a repurpose. But let’s move on to something I’ve been reading about what’s armchair travel experiences. So recently article I read was, I, I found is there’s actually a lift in virtual tourism. I’ve never really heard that it was more what I thought I was just Googling around one day and like learning about beaches and places I would probably never go to. But there’s actually a thing that right now they’re actually I don’t know if it’s a marketing term. I not sure, but armchair travel experiences. So what are your thoughts on this and you know, how do people get involved or, well, how are we marketing to these people that are just sitting at home and waiting until they want to you know, come into these communities or areas?
Elizabeth Fogarty (13:09):
Yeah, this has been interesting as well because when virtual reality first launched many years ago, it had a really big spike. And then there’s all this conversation that people were going to do that instead of travel, which I never agreed with, but there was a little bit of a nervousness in the industry. And then it just really leveled off. You know, it was more of a marketing around this new virtual reality, whether it was through goggles or your phone. But you’re right, Greg now it’s spiking again for obvious reasons. People are home really seeking inspirational content to plan their next vacation. And that’s the key, of course we will, you know, sit home and watch videos of other destinations, but even subliminally you’re thinking about, do I want to visit there? And if so, why? Another interesting thing that’s happening with this armchair tourism is there’s new businesses popping up around it. So there’s travel companies that actually super economical, but you literally buy the plane ticket on your route, whether it’s two hours or six hours you watch a video of where you’re going. And then when you get off the plane, they take you on that too. Or that you just did from your plane seat. Or you could have watched it at home on your lounge chair, as we say. So, yeah, there’s definitely been a spike not surprising, but there’s ways to reinvent it since it lasts launched a while ago. Yeah. I am seeing
Greg Olson (14:49):
Yeah. I am seeing like interesting ways of marketing, you know, certain communities or even like, you know, hotels or motels or people are actually signing up and sending them like a care package and something you open up and, you know, there’s things in that, that you might experience in that town as they try to attract yet. It’s probably more geared toward, you know travel people, scheduling, travel for other businesses and things like that. Although, you know, it’s just trying to connect to people in an interesting way, right. To get them on a bucket list. So maybe six months from now, they decide, Oh, I want to take that trip. You know, as, or as they’re doing their art, I’m kind of doing armchair tourism now too, because I’m like, what’s beyond my 500-mile radius that we might want to do or my 5,000-mile radius or, you know, whatever that is. So, there is a lot of that armchair travel experience and I didn’t ever, I heard a virtual you know, that’s kind of a big word now we’re seeing now I just read that article on armchair. So I am, you know, another thing that we have to consider as we market to people we do seem to have a lot of eyeballs. I don’t know what, so maybe let’s jump into data. How are you seeing, we see a lot more people engaging with content for our clients. We’re using podcasts as you and I have talked about, we’re using different kinds of webinars we’re using even direct mail more than we have. You know, the one part is trying to figure out what their home address is for businesses, because a lot will we’ll do B2B, but there’s ways that we are finding those kinds of key ways where people are interested in actually opening up a magazine or something of value that they can engage in and then going to a digital experience. And so I find a little bit more than ever. So I don’t know, what are you seeing in data and maybe walk us through a little bit you know, keep us below the PhD level though. Okay. For our listeners. I know it’s hard for you, but I know you do a great job. I’ve seen you speak many times and sharing data, so, you know, so that’s why I love having you on our show and talk about it. So yeah, go ahead. Thanks.
Elizabeth Fogarty (16:47):
Before I talk about data, you mentioned some marketing materials, so I’ll share that one of the we’ll call it guerrilla marketing campaigns, but it’s more traditional. You know, we spend most of our time and really progressive, as you said, data managed digital campaigns from Google AdWords to ad tech. But during the quarantine, at the height of it, we still wanted to reach people. And it really wasn’t to attract people to grand junction. At the time, it was to just provide a service. We were helping the community to a large degree with all the other amazing organizations in our community, but we still wanted to spread some good cheer despite the stress people were under. So, we are continuing to do this almost every newsletter we send out either with Colorado tourism office or yourselves, we offer people a postcard and we created a little jingle around it that, you know, no one loves getting mail, except when you get a beautiful postcard from somewhere and we offered to send postcards and you’re, we’re up to tens of thousands of postcards that we’ve sent out all images from local photographers once again. And we stamp the backside with some, you know, rubber stamps with taglines. And it’s just to say, hello. And, you know, we know it’ll likely go in the fridge or they just had a moment of joy because they got something nice in the mail. So again, don’t overthink some of the marketing strategies that you’re overwhelmed by. Sometimes those simple things can really grow into something tremendous. And it’s all about inspiration. That’s the first step in the funnel, right? So we have to, you have to let people know who you are and what you do. And then just be patient later is the conversion, but there’s a lot of ways to do inspirational marketing, really affordably. And we give these postcards auditor, visitor center as well. It’s why we riffed off of it. So pre COVID anyone that comes through our visitor center gets a free stamped postcard. Literally they fill it out, we mail it for them, no cost to them for the postcard or the stamps. Yeah.
Greg Olson (19:02):
I love that idea. Sorry, I’m excited. You know, you and I get excited and we have to talk because we’re like, yeah. I mean, did you know it was going to take off like that when you, when you or your team was talking, did you have these postcards or you started mailing them, did you think it was going to be that much of a guerrilla campaign or something when you started it?
Elizabeth Fogarty (19:19):
You always hope so. I think we tempered, you know, we tried to be reasonable and cautious, but we were really excited when it took off and it continues to, and we also have contests going on and of course, sign up for our newsletter. And you know, if you’re sending them on a postcard, someone, a postcard, it’s more likely, they’re going to say yes to an e-newsletter because they feel like they’re receiving something of value as opposed to another email in their inbox. They just kind of lean into everything you’re offering, because you’re already leading with it’s about you as the consumer. We’re not just trying to get your email to show up in your inbox. So we’ve gotten not just a lot of postcards out the door, but a tremendous amount of new e-newsletter ups, which has always,
Greg Olson (20:06):
Yeah, that is amazing. And I think, you know, same thing as like, I think that consistency as we talk about marketing here, then we’ll get into the data. But I think what I talked to people about and you do too, is just, you know, be consistent on something and try, and you have to be patient for the conversion. Right. And I think we’ve seen it even in GROWL. I mean, our team does a great job with, we do coloring pages every month. Right. Who knew that was going to take off, but now we have people giving us colored pages. Right. I mean, so you can, you know, and I see them, and I’ve actually colored, we do little contests. You know of course, if you’re a designer, you have to be pretty exact, I color out of lines, I think perfectly fine, normal. You know, it’s like a psychology test internally, right. But we do role play. We do playlist and we’ve gotten these ideas from others to monthly playlist. Right. And so I think there’s just new ways that people want to learn about you. Like same. They want to learn about Visit Grand Junction and you’re giving them a new way to learn about who you are. Right. And who we are. I mean, and I think, I think the postcard is just an amazing idea because something’s a beautiful picture. It’s hard to throw that away. Right. And, and then you can get more beautiful pictures online. You can learn more. It’s actually real. So I might take that one and we’ll put that in our back pocket for something later, but yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Okay. Should we talk about data? Is everybody awake online, get ready, drink, take a big sip of coffee, everybody or whatever your morning poison is? I think this is one of my one topic that we drive with also with our clients, a car to make decisions or have strategy as you know, without always looking at data. And I’m sure it’s something you look at. You’ve mentioned it through the whole conversation in the last 20 minutes. You’ve mentioned data. I don’t know, I was trying to, I lost count, because you actually take a look at it, you know, what’s happening out there. So I’ll just let you take it wherever you want from here. I have a few comments and questions. So go ahead. Yeah, sure. Feel free to talk.
Elizabeth Fogarty (22:07):
Yeah, sure. Feel free to jump in. One of the questions we get most often of course, is what destinations are trending. Who’s coming the most in. That means you’re going to double down in that destination. And for us, that’s not really our strategy. We look at length of stay. So for example, salt Lake city is the most popular out of state destination inbound to grand junction. However, Boise has a longer length of stay. So we don’t ignore salt Lake city but from a destination management standpoint and protecting the quality of life that those of us as residents moved here for, we need to be mindful of tourism and the impact it has to our quality of life as residents. And one of the ways we do that is focusing on destinations that have a longer length of stay and destinations that we see from a data standpoint can grow their length of stay. So, they may start off at one or two nights, but our data will tell us based on how we’re messaging, if they are growing to three or four nights, which is our goal. So that’s one of the significant data points that we monitor, not everything goes through that filter, but we have a limited budget just like everyone. So with the limited budget and limited opportunity to deploy ads we have to be cognizant of where the highest ROI is. We also research destinations that may not know us but have a propensity to like outdoor recreation or art because downtown grand has 100 high-end sculptures lining the sidewalks. It’s beautiful. So we use these behaviors to our advantage as well. When I arrived here two and a half years ago, I knew Chicago as an opportunity based on this data, we doubled down on Chicago to the point where United actually we got their attention and that’s why they started that once a week flight and Albuquerque is another city that’s trending for us. It wasn’t on anyone’s radar, but we see the behavioral responses to our marketing and the conversion. And we do this through retargeting measures as well. So for example, if we said, but in a Facebook ad, let’s sit and watch more than 50% of the video we served up, or they spent at least two minutes on the blog page and then they stop we’ll retarget them and then funnel in based on their behaviors. Are they a mountain biker? Are they a lover of arts or theater? And this is anonymized data, of course. But this information is available to everyone. And if you utilize it for your marketing practice, it certainly increases your revenue for whatever you’re selling. Also from a data standpoint, and I think this one’s easy for businesses to do as well. You know, the hardest part is that first time when you walk into that data, but it’s really not that difficult. And I would say, it’s the number one thing marketers do wrong on regard. Most of industry is they talk about themselves and they have data that tells them about their consumers. So let’s just say car dealership, they send out e-newsletters all the time. Well, if someone just bought a car or a leased a car, don’t send them any newsletter about why they should buy a car. They have the data already of who bought the cars, remove them from the email list and maybe put them in different groups of emails, want maybe they are it’s time for their service on their car, or maybe there’s a holiday coming up and you can sell cool amenities around that brand. You know, whether, if it’s a Mercedes or BMW Ferrari those are brands where people like to collect cups and floor, whatever those things are, you put on your floor. So get to know your consumer. You have a lot of the state already. It’s not like you have to purchase it. It just takes a little bit of a time to mind through it. And at the end of the day, marketing is about creating relationships. So I think it’s easy for the critics on the outside to say marketing is you know, people and it’s on ethical first and foremost, we can shut it down if you want. Second of all, this is the, this era we’re in is the most responsible marketing that’s ever existed because we have data to speak to consumers the way they want to be spoken to. So I receive ads that are appropriate for my lifestyle and make my life easier. I appreciate that. And if I don’t, if I receive an ad, I don’t want, I can provide that feedback within one click. So I think the industry doesn’t lead enough with that messaging because we’re being more responsible than ever. Yeah. I
Greg Olson (27:24):
I completely agree. I think data can be used correctly to find those gaps for businesses where they can sell their products and services that maybe competitors are, you know, you’re can be surrounded. I don’t know if you’re, you know, where there’s a somewhat of that blue ocean strategy, but we can definitely find, I think in tourism or you’re selling nuts and bolts or automobiles or certain ways that you can use data to find the right way to market and message and what people are searching for. And then be much more effective in that and much more cost-effective I guess, on your conversions. And we won’t spend too much time on that’s a whole other talk that you and I could give. Probably multi-day talk on data and conversions, but I think you’re everything you’re saying. I mean, as on point, I mean, you know, if we treat people like people and you have, you know, you’re talking in a relevant way, like why don’t, you know, if I’m, I’m always interested in Toyota, but you keep trying to sell me a different car or something, or maybe I’m only a truck guy, but you try selling me a sports car. I don’t know. I think it kind of turns you off a little bit, but if you start talking to me in a relevant manner, then I get more excited about who you are. So yeah, I think we continue, I think now during COVID it’s an even more important I’m sure for you and your team, as you look at all these data points about, it’s one of the things you mentioned the very beginning, because you’re looking at now, it’s amazing to me, you heard, you have to spend that much time, of course, looking in areas of your marketing. Do you turn off your marketing if there’s spikes in cases? And so now I think you know, it’s one of those things that you have to, you have to, as a marketer spend more time on, especially in tourism, so kudos to you and your team for doing that. And then I’m sure you can teach a lot of people, a lot of things. Well, I think we’re about ready to close out. I thank you for taking so much time today. I know we’ve had a lot of listeners on both on the web here and on Facebook lives. What I wanted to do is kind of end with a couple of tips. Maybe you can give us that you haven’t spoken about yet, or just to recap for our listeners and we’ll close out the show.
Elizabeth Fogarty (29:36):
Yeah. Thanks, Greg. It’s been great being here with you. I appreciate the invite, a few tricks. We love, we love sharing tips and tricks with everyone. So I’ll reference a few examples to make it easier to relate to if you haven’t seen the viral videos about Chipotle LA and the lid flip challenge check it out, it primarily lived on Tik TOK, which I’m a big fan of or DMO is on Tik TOK. And we think we may have been one of the first in the country to get on check it out. And the example is, think about ways to experience the brand, your brand with the consumer. So, it literally was a simple video of one of the AAA team members putting a lid on the Chipotle tray. And the first time I saw it, I thought there must be something more to this that went viral. There was nothing more to it. It was quite simple. And then Chipotle obviously tweeted it out and pushed it out on tick-tock and the other social channels as well. And everybody was now, consumers were doing their own lid flip and they had the biggest sales day ever in history to pull from that little video. So again, just think about things, maybe your team does that’s fun or innovative, and then put it out there in social. It might not go viral, but it’s still creates a relationship with the consumers that you’re talking with outside your business. Another good tip is go to really good and you can put in any topic you want, regardless of what industry. And it gives you examples of well thought out well designed emails, and it gives you the code as well. So even if you’re using MailChimp, you still could review those and just get other ideas. Cause it takes a lot of time to in the past, you know, I’d sign up for a ton of emails to make sure I was being exposed to lots of things. is a great one. Love that my next favorite one is answerthepublic. So go to It’s amazing. You put in any topic and it tells you what questions and conversations are happening on line. So let’s say you own a gelato shop, you type in gelato, and it tells you what people want, what they’re asking for. It’s like a, who, what, where when, why circle, and then you click on those inquiries or phrases and then it gives you even more information via Google. Of course. So that’s a really good tip as well. And reposting user generated content, I think a lot of people are doing this now, but represent your brands where your consumers. So the, the photo should not be perfect. It’s better if it’s imperfect, it’s more trustworthy that way. You can ask on your social channels for people to share photos of anything. I mean, if you own a really niche store in downtown grand junction, there may not be an opportunity to say, show a photo of you wearing this glove or whatever, but say, what’s your fee. You know, we’re located in grand junction. What’s your favorite Colorado experience. You’re going to get a ton of traffic. Cause lots of people have been to Colorado. So it doesn’t have to be about you all the time when you message out, just make it relatable to your brand. And with holidays coming up, gift cards are becoming more and more popular, not just because of the holidays, but COVID so set up a gift card program where people can purchase gift cards from you. It’s a great revenue source. And then you get people returning either to your store or your online store. But brick and mortar is still where it’s at pre COVID online sales, retail sales were still only 13.9%. And it’s been that number for a long time. And China, who’s the number one digital retailer in the world is only 15.3%. So brick and mortar stores are still where we entertain ourselves. Shopping’s the number one entertainment in the world. So you know, be optimistic about that.
Greg Olson (34:12):
Yeah. I agree with you and what I’m seeing on that, I think stories seem bizarre, never, especially on the Western slope, but I know that this whole winter is coming COVID and things like that old people want to get out, even during COVID things, things are shut down. I mean, you saw lots of people at Walmart’s and Targets and wanting to go in and shop and get out of their house and even more, so I think that there’s a perfect example of you know, people wanting to experience a brand, a local brand and things like that. So these are wonderful tips. I again, appreciate your time, Elizabeth, and all that you and your team are doing to create awareness and the tourism industry and what you’re doing for the Western slope. And continue to help us grow and help our businesses do everything they can during all of this. So a big shout out and a big high five. That’s what I do like that. So, yeah. Okay. thank you again. I look forward to catching up with you in the near future.
Elizabeth Fogarty (35:13):
Thanks Greg. Take care.
Greg Olson (35:15):
We’ll talk to you later. Bye-Bye.
