
Unleashing the Power of AI for Business

Join us for an evening of discussion, demonstration, and networking as we explore the future of AI for business. We'll have a brief panel and small-group stations to demonstrate leading AI platforms. 

Don't fall behind the AI curve!

Date: September 19th
Time: 4:00-6:00pm
Location: ALT Space GJ | 750 Main Street

Directions to Alt Space

what to expect:

  • 4-4:30pm: Networking happy hour and tours of the new tech center, 734 Main Street
  • 4:30-5pm: Brief panel discussing AI in business
  • 5-6pm: Live demonstration stations
BYOC: Help us support our community! Please bring canned dog/cat food or other pet items to donate to Harmony Animal Sanctuary!

get ready for growl connex

Panel Discussion

  • Overview of generative AI and notable platforms
  • Generative AI in the Workplace, including implications and application for marketing, sales, and small business
  • Tips for responsible use of Generative AI


Robot using phone booth 3

breakout sessions

Following our panel discussion, we'll break into smaller groups for live demonstrations and in-depth conversations. You'll have the opportunity to learn more about specific AI applications and how they can be used to benefit your business. 

Robot Painting-3

AI for creative 

Designing with AI - Photoshop & MidJourney


This breakout session will explore how businesses can utilize leading creative AI generators, including Photoshop and MidJourney. The two stations will include live demonstrations highlighting each platform's capabilities, limitations, and tips for usage. 

Robot with Camera-3

ai for marketing 

Writing with AI - Content Generation


This breakout session will explore generative AI's ability to support content creation and idea generation. We'll explore live demos of platforms like HubSpot Content Assistant, Jasper, and GrammarlyGO.  

Robot Boss

Ai for business operations

Optimizing Work & Implementing a Framework


This breakout session is designed for the business leaders planning how-to implement AI into their day-to-day. We'll cover how AI can optimize work and steps for building an AI framework/policy for your organization. 

Speaker 3

AI #4 

something cool about AI 


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Copy for this landing page was prompted by GROWL, generated by Bard AI, and revised by GROWL. Design elements were prompted by GROWL, designed by Adobe AI and edited by GROWL.


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