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3 Tips for Getting Started with First-Party Data

Written by GROWL Agency | Jun 3, 2024 10:52:48 PM

Third-party cookie deprecation has made first-party data a paramount asset for the digital marketing and advertising industry. Marketers and advertisers are already seeing this deprecation take place, as Google Chrome has moved 1% of users over to the cookieless world. As consumers demand greater privacy and control over their data, brands must pivot towards a more consumer-centric approach to data collection and utilization. First-party data, which refers to the information collected directly from your audience through owned channels, presents a valuable opportunity for businesses to gain a deeper understanding of their customers and deliver personalized experiences without relying on third-party cookies. 

By leveraging first-party data, marketers can still receive valuable insights, enabling them to create highly targeted campaigns, personalize customer journeys, and foster stronger relationships with their audience. From improving campaign performance to enhancing customer loyalty, the benefits of first-party data are undeniable as popular search engines become more privacy-conscious. Let’s get started with GROWL’s three tips for properly leveraging first-party data! 

Tip #1: Define Goals and Target Audiences 

The foundation of any successful first-party data strategy lies in setting clear goals and understanding your target audience. The first step is to determine what you aim to achieve with the data you collect—whether it's improving customer acquisition, increasing engagement, or driving loyalty. Then, you can ensure that you're collecting the right data to support your business goals. Not all data is valuable data, so extracting the most important data with specific use cases makes a world of difference.    

Additionally, gaining a comprehensive understanding of your target audience is crucial. This is where any buyer personas or ideal customer profiles come into play. Conducting audience research through surveys, social media analytics, and other channels to uncover their preferences, behaviors, and pain points will help your business understand customer profiles. This knowledge will inform you of the type of data you should collect and how to utilize it to deliver personalized experiences that resonate with your audience. 

Tip #2: Identify Your Data Sources 

Once you've established your goals and audience, the next step is identifying the touchpoints where you can collect first-party data. Common sources include website forms (e.g., newsletter signups and account registrations), customer relationship management (CRM) systems, social media interactions, and in-store or online transactions. 

A robust CRM system is crucial in collecting and organizing first-party data from various touchpoints. By integrating your CRM with web forms, social media analytics tools, and other data sources, you can automate the process of capturing and storing customer data. This streamlined approach ensures that valuable information is seamlessly consolidated into a centralized database, providing a comprehensive view of each customer's interactions and preferences. With this information, personalizing content for retargeting won’t be a headache.  

Another step that will save you down the road is to ensure that you obtain user consent and clearly communicate how their data will be used, as privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA mandate. This also communicates to those particularly private-conscious customers that their privacy is valued, leading to increased trust in your brand.  

Tip #3: Data Organization and Activation 

Collecting first-party data is just the beginning; the real value lies in effectively organizing and activating that data. With proper tools, like a CRM system, data organization and activation can be done more effectively.  

Data cleansing and segmentation can be done within a CRM and are essential for extracting actionable insights from your first-party data. Remove duplicates, standardize formats, and segment your audience based on relevant criteria like demographics, behaviors, and interests. By doing so, you can deliver highly personalized experiences, from targeted marketing campaigns to tailored product recommendations and customer support interactions. 

A CRM system like HubSpot can be invaluable in organizing and activating your first-party data. HubSpot's robust data management capabilities allow you to import data from multiple sources, perform data cleansing and deduplication, and create dynamic segments based on custom criteria. With a centralized view of customer data, you can seamlessly create personalized marketing campaigns, automate lead nurturing workflows, and tailor sales outreach efforts to your audience's specific needs and preferences. Additionally, HubSpot's integration with various marketing and sales tools enables you to activate your first-party data across multiple channels, ensuring a consistent and personalized customer experience. 

First-party data will be the cornerstone of effective marketing strategies in the cookieless future. By defining your goals, understanding your audience, identifying data sources, and organizing and activating your data, you can harness the power of first-party data to drive business success.  

Ready to get started? See how GROWL x HubSpot can increase revenue with the HubSpot ROI calculator!