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Plan for Growth: Your Q4 Marketing Strategy

Written by GROWL Agency | Sep 15, 2020 4:37:05 PM

With all the surprises and challenges that come up throughout the year, you have probably had to adapt along the way. Your marketing strategy might look very different from how it started this year, which is why now is the time to get ready for Q4 and strategize for the upcoming year! 

While the first two quarters of this year were a bit rocky (to say the least) for many marketers, as companies slashed their marketing budgets in self-preservation, the opportunity for a substantial return in Q4 is enormous. With careful analysis and the right, you can plan a successful strategy for the last few months of the year. 

Use GROWL’s quick guide to strategize for Q4 and beyond. 


Stronger, SMARTER Q4 marketing strategy 

Throughout the year, businesses should review and revise their SWOT analysis. While most companies leverage a traditional SWOT – strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats – GROWL recommends conducting a SWOTT. A SWOTT analysis helps companies better understand changing circumstances while reflecting on growth and defining attainable goals. 

S = Strengths – internally, what are your business’s strengths? 

W = Weaknesses – internally, what are your company’s weaknesses? 

O = Opportunities – externally, where can your business advance? 

T = Threats – externally, what threatens your business? 

T = Trends – externally, what is becoming popular in your industry? 

SWOT/SWOTT analyses can also help leadership build resilience beyond crisis. With your completed SWOTT analysis, you can successfully craft a Q4 marketing strategy. 

Following the SWOTT analysis, your organization should create SMART goals that will further your Q4 strategy and help you prepare for next year. Always consider your objectives carefully and make sure they are SMARTER goals. 

S = Specific – is the goal detailed and clear? 

M = Measurable – how will the goal be measured? 

A = Attainable – is the goal within reach? 

R = Relevant – does the goal align with the overall brand/business strategy? 

T = Time-Bound – what are the benchmarks and deadlines? 

E = Exciting – how will this help your brand grow? 

R = Realistic – are the action items and end-goal achievable? 

With SWOTT and SMARTER goals in mind, your business can start building its Q4 marketing strategy. 


Plan out strategy – use your calendar! 

There’s a lot to consider when strategizing for Q4. Think of all the holidays and unique events happening for your consumers. Capitalize on the seasonal engagement with your audience or clients by sending a seasonal greeting card or sending loyal clients a small gift. Consider all these things when planning your Q4 marketing strategy and plan your content around it. Make the most of the opportunity and capture attention while keeping everything relevant to your consumers’ needs through the season. 


Marketing channels and content 

Once you have crafted a plan relevant to your business’s goals and appropriate to your consumers at that time, consider what marketing channels you would like to use. Would traditional marketing be more beneficial at this time? Or maybe some emerging advertising channels would help you reach your goals. Make sure the content you are utilizing for your marketing strategy is cohesive. Your blog, email marketing, social media, etc., should have a clear connecting message to your followers. 


Competitive review 

Finally, when you are strategizing for a successful Q4, take a look at your competitors. A little healthy competition can be useful for business. So, look at companies similar to yours to see what they are doing. What are they doing well? What isn’t working so well? This can help you build a robust marketing plan for the end of the year. You will find ideas that can help your strategy and give a sense of what your competitors are up to, helping you stay ahead. 

As the end of the year approaches, it’s time to refresh our marketing strategy to ensure success in Q4 and beyond. Though many changes and massive uncertainty have been floating in the air this year, your bottom line doesn’t have to suffer – adjust. Return to the basics, examine your audience’s needs and business goals, and pivot to fit them. 

Are you looking for strategic help? Contact GROWL today!