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Innovating B2B Marketing

Written by GROWL Agency | Nov 5, 2019 12:00:00 AM

As marketing technology advances, we begin to see new opportunities when modern trends are implemented into everyday B2B marketing strategies. These strategies have become a vital tool that helps increase lead generation and can leverage your B2B marketing campaigns in 2022 and beyond. Consider these marketing tech trends when building your next campaign. 


Let's Talk Personalization 

Personalization goes a long way when it comes to customer service. It builds loyalty, strengthens relationships, and supports your customers' needs. This tactic can help supercharge your B2B marketing plans by making your approach streamlined and efficient. Take your customer's journey to the next level by modernizing your strategy and speeding up your prospect's purchase process. 


Effectively target your audience by personalizing assets such as:  

  • Website Pages  
  • Landing Pages 
  • Emails 


Know Your Audience 

We know how tricky it can be to keep track of today's evolving digital platforms, but it is important to understand where your audience is coming from. You will create a gap between your offering and your clients without knowing what’s in your audience’s MarTech stack. To define your audience and what digital platforms they're using, run tests and review monthly data to see where your audience is most engaged and what content they interact with most.  


Automate Your User's Experience 

Automation will keep your workflows streamlined and easy for clients and prospects to interact with. Your web users are looking for a straightforward way to get on your email list or download checklists and e-books. Don't overcomplicate the experience by not having a direct line of contact in place for different assets on your site, and keep your users coming back.  

Implementing automation within your workflows will eliminate time-consuming tasks, like preparing email lists, sending generic messages, and nurturing new clients or prospects. Using this tactic will give you more time to work on projects and help clients throughout their customer journey.  


B2B Content Marketing 

Modernize your B2B content marketing strategy by defining your customer journey. Your customer journey guides your clients and prospects through the process of your business's touch points on each of your assets. When creating or reviewing your customer journey, challenge yourself to find the gaps and identify where friction within your customer experience could be. By identifying these gaps, you will improve your B2B marketing strategy and delight more and more customers. 


It can be hard to keep up with new advancements in marketing technology.  Innovative strategies offer a step into the future that your business can implement to create a more exclusive experience for users and even create loyal customers. 

Need help implementing innovative B2B strategies into your marketing campaign? Contact the GROWL team today